Friday, February 27, 2009

The joy of flight

Yesterday, I was sitting here--in my home office, on the PC--when this strange noise arose outside my window. As it got louder, I realized what it was. I looked out my window and smiled, as what seemed like hundreds of snow geese winged right over me, honking up a storm. A few minutes later, another phalanx (my word--not sure it is apropos for a gaggle of snow geese) flew over.

It appears that I am on the flight path! One could, I suppose, consider such cacophony a nuisance, but I do not. I see it as a gift. Granted, if that much honking went on all day and all night, THEN I might find it a nuisance; but, as it is, it is just an occasional treat--to be witness to the joy of flight.


mckait said...

I love geese. I always stop what I am doing when I see/hear them. I have been known to pull over to the side of the road. Crazy.

This is kath from vine...I looked at your profile and saw the link to your blog. Just wanted to say hello

Sheri said...

Thanks for stopping by! When I am out walking Missy and geese fly over, I stop and look up at them. Missy loves birds, so sometimes she stops and looks up too. :)