Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The joy of napping

When I was working full time, there were days when I so wished I could take a nap, but napping to me back then was sleeping for 2 or 3 HOURS, which then ruined the whole day (not to mention that night's sleep). I NEVER awoke from a nap feeling refreshed--only grumpier and groggier. So how could I have known that, just a few years later, napping would become such a supreme pleasure?

Five months after my retirement in 2008, I adopted a 9-month-old puppy (Missy the Shih Tzu). I had never known a Shih Tzu at that time, so I did some Googling and discovered that they are a very friendly breed with a great need for attention and affection. While all dogs love attention from their humans, Shih Tzus crave physical affection. They want to be near you, if not ON you, as much as possible. Hence, Missy slept with and against me every night.

One day, I was feeling unusually tired and thought I'd lay down for a nap. Missy nuzzled up against me and I went right to sleep (something I struggled with while working). I don't remember how long I slept that first nap with Missy, but I do remember thinking it was a really pleasant experience. As time went on, and naps with Missy became a regular occurrence, I began to set a timer to ensure that my naps were not too long, and so that I didn't miss any appointments.

I started to really ENJOY napping--hedonistically so, in fact. One of my favorite "nappy" memories was one day last spring when the weather had started to warm but the breeze was still quite cool. I had opened the window a few inches to let in some fresh breeze and, when Missy and I took our nap that day, we snuggled under a blanket right in front of the open window. The strong, cool breeze ruffled my hair. It was ALMOST too cold, but it was also wonderful.

I've been retired five years next week and I stay pretty busy with volunteer work, but I still make time for a nap some days. I've trained myself to take shorter naps and find that I can now awake most of the time feeling refreshed and great.

I think it was my former colleague, Bonnie T., who said that napping is a one of the perks of retirement. I have become a true believer!

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