Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The joy of a fantastic burger.

Don't tell my doctor this but, while I have substantially reformed my eating over the past 5 years to keep my cholesterol and triglycerides in check (because I didn't want to go on cholesterol-lowering medication to do so), I do still take occasional trips to the "dark side."

Today, on my way home from volunteeering, I decided to stop in to one of my new favorite casual places for lunch--the Greene Turtle. It's a sports bar and I am not one who usually enjoys sports bars (not to mention sports), but I really like the food there and service is usually pretty good. Today, I had what they call "The Pigskin"--a burger with ham & cheese on top. Instead of the little tub of mayo that comes with it, I asked for some spicy BBQ sauce.

I can tell you where I found my joy today, people--at the Greene Turtle, with BBQ sauce smeared all over my face and a really good burger in my belly. That was one spicy slice of joy right there. Yummo! as Rachael Ray would say.

So here I sit, back at home, on my ample backside typing about it and wishing I had followed my own damage-reduction rule of eating only HALF the burger--but oh, it was good. Let's just say the Devil made me do it. Everything in moderation, after all. :)

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