Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The joy of...laziness? :)

I took a week off from blogging. It was not a happy week. Nothing serious, just was not in a good mental space--and it's kinda hard to write about joy when you're not feeling it, ya know?

I give myself a hard time sometimes about just vegging out--being a couch potato--or, in Sheri lingo, being a lazy butt. I really took lazy buttedness to a new art form last week. Talk about unproductive. Sheesh. But, ya know, maybe that's just what I needed. It's not SO bad to just lounge around sometimes. I'll keep reminding myself of that. Meanwhile, it seems I've come out of my funk and I hope to be back to writing regularly again.

So, I'm still here. Are you? I hope SOMEONE is reading this. LOL

If you are, please hit the comment button and let me hear ya!


Anonymous said...

what did I tell you
just go with it :-)

Sheri said...

Yea, yea. :-D