Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome inside my joy.

I was sitting on the veranda the other day with all the windows open, enjoying the unseasonably marvelous weather we were having. I was trying to finish a book for which I owed a review, but was restless, so I picked up a journal that was laying nearby and read some old entries. It reminded me that I've wanted to try blogging but worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up with it. Now that I'm retired (wheee!), I guess it's as good as time as any to give it a try.

Retirement has been good to me--even though it has only been 2 1/2 months. I feel lighter, happier, and more blessed than ever--hence the name of this blog. It sounds so cliched, but I read "The Secret" last year and have really tried to incorporate positivity and the law of attraction into my life. It has worked splendidly so far, so I can't argue! :)

So this blog will be (mostly) positive thoughts on life, retirement, and finding joy in the little things that happen to us every day.

I look forward to hearing from you and about how and where you find joy.

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